Terveiset sisällöntuottajalta


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(Rough transalation with Google Translator. All things can't be translated from language to other)



maanantai 3. tammikuuta 2011

Polar snow desert

Despite of fact that your in my world cold and gray.
At the middle of polar snow.
Watch out your back. You'll never know
that is it safe to take the path in to the glow.
The desert sleeps from dusk to dawn. No roads and streets
just your mind for getting along.
Your mind is here and your friends in the cold mother earth
and you feel all alone and deserted

Polar snow desert sleeps
like your friends rest in peace
They saw your true cold heart then
as you turned around
-for getting them

Now I found my peace. But not by me. You will be
sorry but it will be too late.
We wont come to declare the share but soon
at hell you will feel our hate.
The evil gets what it were meant to get. Shouldn't kill
for a few thousand cents.
Forever damned her immortal soul shall be
but still we're sorry that he maked us bleed.

Polar snow desert sleeps
like your true best friend rests in peace
I saw your true cold heart then
as you turned around
-for getting me

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